pregnancy weeks

12 weeks of pregnancy: symptoms, tips and more

During the twelfth week of pregnancy, the fetus is approximately 2.5 inches long and weighs about half an ounce. At this stage, the baby’s organs and systems continue to develop and become more complex.

The brain is developing rapidly, and the baby’s facial features are becoming more defined. The baby can now move its limbs, and the muscles are becoming stronger. The mother may start to experience more noticeable physical changes, such as weight gain and an expanding belly.

It is also important for the mother to continue following a healthy diet and exercise routine, as well as attending prenatal appointments to monitor the baby’s growth and development.

Your physical changes

Your normal clothes may still fit you, but they are probably tighter than they were a month ago. It might be time to buy some maternity clothes so you can avoid wearing tight clothes.
Typically the weight gain to this point is only about 2 pounds. What makes your jeans feel a little tight these days is that your body is preparing you to carry a baby. For example, your uterus is growing rapidly. Your doctor may now be able to feel your uterus in your lower abdomen.

your child

Week 12 is a time of big changes for your baby. He is now about three inches long and weighs about 1 ounce. Their external genitalia should appear now or soon due to the increased activity of hormones. The child’s fingers and toes are no longer lace-like, and the nails begin to grow. His eyes are closer together this week and his kidneys can produce urine.
At 12 weeks, the baby is developing complex reflexes such as sucking. The baby may also start moving on its own this week, although you probably won’t feel it until you’re 16 to 22 weeks pregnant.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the developing fetus is about 2.5 inches long and weighs approximately 0.5 ounces.

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Some key developments at this stage include:

  • The fetus has fully formed organs, muscles, and nerves, and is now able to move its limbs.
  • The fetal heart is fully developed and can be heard using a Doppler device.
  • The fetus is now considered a fetus, rather than an embryo.
  • The placenta is now fully developed and taking over the job of providing nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
  • The fetus is now able to swallow and urinate and is surrounded by amniotic fluid which helps protect it and regulate its temperature.
  • The fetus’s sex organs have developed, and it may be possible to determine the baby’s sex through ultrasound.
At 12 weeks of pregnancy
At 12 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage, many women begin to feel better as symptoms of morning sickness and fatigue start to subside. However, it’s important to continue taking care of oneself and following prenatal care recommendations to ensure the health of the developing fetus.

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Twin development at 12 weeks

The vocal cords your babies use to cry are getting ready to grow this week. Their kidneys are also working now. Your babies are about 3 inches long and weigh about an ounce each.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the twelfth week

You may still have some of the previous symptoms, such as nausea, but this week’s symptoms could include:

  • Weight gain
  • Increased skin pigmentation, which is also called melasma
  • Darker halos around nipples
  • Sensitive and painful breasts
  • Creating pigments in the skin

The increase in hormones causes all kinds of changes in your body. One of them is the increase of pigments. The “mask of pregnancy” is a disease known as melasma or chloasma. This disease affects half of the pregnant women and as a result, dark spots appear on the forehead and cheeks.
These spots usually disappear or lighten significantly soon after delivery.

Breast changes

At this stage of pregnancy, the aura around your breasts is likely to darken. Breast tenderness or pain may continue until the second trimester of pregnancy.

Tips to relieve this condition:

  • A well-fitting bra can be helpful, but make sure it’s the right size. Wearing a bra that is too tight will make you uncomfortable.
  • Placing ice packs, cool cabbage leaves, or bags of frozen peas on your breasts while lying down can also provide some relief.
  • Use small silicone products that relieve breast pain, which you can keep in the freezer and then put inside your bra.

Things you should do in week 12 for a healthy pregnancy

Since you gain weight simply because of pregnancy, you need to pay extra attention to your diet to make sure you don’t gain too much weight. Excessive weight gain can lead to complications such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and back and leg pain. Carrying too much extra weight can also lead to more fatigue.

Also, do not skip meals. If you haven’t followed a balanced daily diet, try to end the first trimester of your pregnancy on a healthy note.

Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. Avoid junk food. Instead, eat snacks like yogurt and dried fruits that contain protein, calcium, and minerals.

Ask your doctor for a recommendation or talk to a nutritionist. And if you haven’t already, talk to your doctor about taking prenatal vitamins. If your usual diet hasn’t been particularly healthy up to this point, now is the time to change. You and your baby need a variety of nutrients to get through the rest of your pregnancy.

Nutrition week 12 during pregnancy

Your skin is also becoming more sensitive. To help reduce the effects of a “barbary mask”, be sure to use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher whenever you’re outside, or wear a brimmed hat or baseball cap if you’re going to be outside for long periods of time. Avoid sunlight on your face.

Week 12 can be a good time to start Kegel exercises to strengthen the vaginal muscles. This can help with childbirth and postpartum recovery. If you don’t know how to do Kegel exercises, talk to your doctor. You can also learn about these exercises if you attend a childbirth class.

When to call your doctor?

The risk of miscarriage decreases near the end of the first trimester, but it’s still vital to pay attention to warning signs.

These symptoms include:

  • Bleeding with cramps
  • Spotting that lasts three days or more
  • Severe pain or cramping that lasts all-day

At this point, you know what normal morning sickness looks like (even if it’s only mild during the day). If you suddenly experience severe nausea and vomiting more than two or three times a day, call your doctor immediately.

Promising changes

The 12th week of pregnancy is a time for many women when symptoms of morning sickness decrease or even disappear. If you feel tired during the first trimester, you may regain your energy at this stage.

What should I feel at 12 weeks pregnant?

Changes in your circulation and hormone levels can leave you feeling lightheaded, more tired, or dizzy from time to time when you are 12 weeks pregnant.

Where is the baby in your belly at 12 weeks?

The fetus is inside the membrane sac within the uterus and high within the abdomen.

What does a baby at 12 weeks look like?

Your baby is about 6cm long – about a size of a plum – and weighs about 18g. The fetus is now fully formed and with all of the organs, muscles, limbs, and bones in place. The head is about half the length of the body.

How should you sleep at 12 weeks pregnant?

After 12 weeks, sleep on your side. Your left side or right side works just fine.


In conclusion, the twelfth week of pregnancy is a critical stage in the development of the fetus, where organs and systems continue to mature and become more complex.

The baby’s movements become more pronounced, and the mother may start to notice visible changes in her body. It is essential for the mother to prioritize her health and attend regular prenatal check-ups to ensure the baby’s growth and development are on track.

By following a healthy lifestyle and seeking proper medical care, the mother can help support the healthy growth and development of her growing baby.

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Ella Adams

Ella Adams is a highly skilled content specialist and SEO manager. By delivering high-quality and up-to-date content, she provides the best possible experience for visitors of the Pregnancy website. Ella brings valuable insights through meticulous analysis and research in the areas of pregnancy, nutrition, suitable exercises, and other related topics. Additionally, as an SEO manager, she ensures improved website rankings on search engines through optimization strategies.

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