pregnancy weeks

16 weeks of pregnancy: symptoms, tips and other things

At 16 weeks pregnant, you are four weeks away from the halfway mark. Also, you will soon enter one of the most exciting parts of pregnancy. These are the days when you feel the movement of the fetus.

Many women have a hard time distinguishing whether the sensation they feel in the stomach is the movement of the baby or flatulence or something else. But very soon a certain pattern is formed and you recognize the movement of the baby.

Body changes in the 16th week of pregnancy

Sometimes the second trimester of pregnancy is called the “honeymoon of pregnancy”. At this time, you sleep more easily and peacefully than a few weeks ago. You should also get used to sleeping on your side.

Your doctor may recommend that you no longer sleep on your back. That means you should use more pillows to support your body. There are different types of pregnancy pillows available in the market that help you sleep more easily or feel more comfortable while resting.

The more you sleep, the more energy you have during the day. Your mood will also improve but don’t be surprised if you have mood swings every now and then. On the other hand, wearing maternity clothes will make you miss your old clothes.

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The fetus in the 16th week of pregnancy

More activity is only part of the change in the condition of the fetus in the 16th week of pregnancy. In this stage, the blood and urine circulation system of the fetus is developed.

Also, the baby’s head looks more “natural” because the eyes and ears are in their proper place on the head. The head of the fetus moves more upwards and is not bent forward like in the first few months.

The legs of the fetus also grow quickly. If the baby is a girl, thousands of eggs are formed in her ovary.

The size of the fetus at this stage is measured from head to toe, which is called the length of the fetus from head to bottom. The height of most babies in the sixteenth week of pregnancy is equal to 11 cm and they weigh about one kilogram. It means almost the size of an avocado. In the next stage, the growth of the fetus happens rapidly.

The size of the fetus in the 16th week of pregnancy is like an avocado and the mother can feel the movements of the fetus.

Fetal movement in the 16th week of pregnancy

Do you still not notice the movement of the fetus? Some women notice the movements of the fetus from the sixteenth week, but women who are mothers for the first time do not feel the movement of the fetus until a few weeks later.

Fetal movement, also called fetal movement, indicates that the fetus is flexing its growing muscles. Over time, these small shakes and kicks become rolling and kicking.

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Symptoms of the sixteenth week of pregnancy

Many women experience nausea at this time. In addition, during this week, you will be a little forgetful or have trouble concentrating.

Although most of the symptoms in the 16th week (such as breast tenderness) are no different from the symptoms of the previous week, here are the symptoms that are expected to continue this week:

  • Lightening of the skin (due to increased blood flow)
  • Shiny and oily skin (due to hormones)
  • Constipation
  • Heartburn
  • Nosebleed
  •  Congestion
  • Weight Gain
  • Possible hemorrhoids
  • Distraction

If you feel like you can’t handle the situation, talk to your doctor or a friend who may have experienced the same symptoms during your pregnancy.

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  • The glow of pregnancy

Increased blood flow in the body makes the skin look brighter. The increase in the activity of hormones also makes the skin more shiny and oily.

Sometimes this condition is called “pregnancy glow”, but you may not look at these changes positively. If your skin is too oily, use an oil-free cleanser.

  • Constipation

If you are constipated, eat foods rich in fiber (such as fresh and dried fruit, vegetables, beans, almonds, bran, and other grains). Be careful about consuming high-fat foods that are low in fiber (such as cheese and processed meat) because they aggravate constipation.

  •  Heartburn

If this problem occurs, be aware of foods that aggravate heartburn. In most cases, the reason for this is fried and spicy foods. Remember that the foods you used to enjoy eating without any problems are now prohibited during pregnancy.

If you have a healthy diet, you will gain between 5 and 6 kg of extra weight in the second trimester. This amount varies depending on whether you were overweight or underweight before pregnancy.
If you have a healthy diet, you will gain between 5 and 6 kg of extra weight in the second trimester.

  •  Nosebleed

Another change that may occur is occasional nosebleeds or bleeding gums. Nosebleeds are usually harmless and occur when excess blood flow causes the capillaries in the nose to rupture.

To stop nosebleeds:

  • Sit and keep the head higher than the heart.
  •  Do not tilt your head back as this may cause you to swallow blood.
  • Press your nose with two index fingers and thumb for at least five minutes.
  • Put ice on the nose to close the capillaries and stop the bleeding faster.

Consult your doctor before taking medication for constipation, indigestion, or other side effects. Your doctor can answer your questions about what medications are safe to take at this stage.

Remember to talk to your doctor about any symptoms you have at your next visit.

After the morning sickness is over, it’s time to focus on healthy eating and exercise.
If you have a craving for sweet foods, go for fruit and yogurt instead of chocolate and candies. If you like salty foods, eat cheese. The body and fetus will thank you for the protein and calcium of these foods.

Try to exercise for half an hour every day. Swimming and walking are suitable. Just remember to consult your doctor before starting an exercise routine.

What should I avoid at 16 weeks pregnant?

Avoid alcohol, smoking, and all other toxic or illicit substances at this time. Make sure that your doctor knows about any ongoing medications you may be taking.

What should I be doing at 16 weeks pregnant?

You will probably have a four-month parental visit around the time you are 16 weeks pregnant. As usual, you will likely have a urine test; your OB will be checking your urine for signs of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.

How should your belly feel at 16 weeks pregnant?

Pretty soon, you will start feeling a baby moving around in your 16 weeks pregnant belly. At first, those moves might feel like gas or muscle twitch, but over time, as your baby gets bigger and stronger, they will be unmistakable.

Can I sleep straight during 16 weeks pregnant?

You should try to avoid sleeping on your back. This position puts the weight of the uterus on top of the inferior vena cava, which can cut off blood flow and cause swelling in your legs and ankles.

When should you call your doctor?

If the baby moves regularly but has not moved for at least 12 hours, contact your obstetrician. Maybe you just didn’t notice the move, but it’s always better to err on the side of caution. If you still haven’t felt the baby move, be patient. Many women do not notice fetal movement until the 20th week or so. Although the risk of miscarriage is much lower in the second trimester than in the first trimester, you should never ignore spotting, bleeding, or severe abdominal pain.


In conclusion, reaching 16 weeks of pregnancy marks an important milestone in your journey. As you enter the second trimester, you may notice positive changes such as increased energy and a reduction in morning sickness. Your belly will continue to grow, and you may start to show signs of your pregnancy more prominently.

It’s essential to listen to your body and communicate any concerns or discomfort with your healthcare provider. Remember to take care of yourself by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating nutritious foods, staying active, and getting plenty of rest. Enjoy this stage of pregnancy as you continue to nurture and bond with your growing baby.

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Ella Adams

Ella Adams is a highly skilled content specialist and SEO manager. By delivering high-quality and up-to-date content, she provides the best possible experience for visitors of the Pregnancy website. Ella brings valuable insights through meticulous analysis and research in the areas of pregnancy, nutrition, suitable exercises, and other related topics. Additionally, as an SEO manager, she ensures improved website rankings on search engines through optimization strategies.

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