Pregnancy diseases

Prevention and control of back pain caused by pregnancy

During pregnancy, your ligaments will naturally soften and stretch to prepare your body for delivery. This puts pressure on the joints in the lower back and pelvis, which can lead to back pain. In this article, you will learn how to prevent back pain during pregnancy.

What are the ways to prevent back pain during pregnancy?

Back pain during pregnancy is a common and safe problem and just needs to be observed and taken care of. If you follow the principles below, your back pain will be relieved to some extent.

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What are the ways to prevent back pain during pregnancy?
What are the ways to prevent back pain during pregnancy?
  • Wear proper shoes. A shoe that has no heel and does not put pressure on the spine when walking.
  • Do not carry heavy objects. If you have to carry shopping bags, divide the weight of the bags equally between your hands.
  • When you pick up an object off the floor, first bend your knees and straighten your back, then pick up the object off the floor.
  • Lie on your side and slowly roll from side to side so you do not put pressure on your spine. You can even sit down and lie down again on the opposite side.
  • Getting enough rest and sleep is one of the most important things to maintain a pregnant woman’s health and prevent back pain during pregnancy.

An exercise to reduce back pain

The following movements help strengthen your back and abdominal muscles and may be effective in reducing back pain during pregnancy:

  • Start on all fours, with your knees, elbows, and palms flat on the floor. Keep your back in a straight position by raising your stomach.
  • Contract your abdominal muscles, lift your back toward the ceiling by lifting your elbows, arch your body up, and let your head slowly drop forward and down. Do not straighten your elbows too much. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then slowly return to all fours.
  • After returning to the four-legged position, make sure that your back is not facing inward and is flat.
  • Do these steps slowly and regularly 10 times. Allow your muscles to strain and make sure to move your back slowly throughout the movement.
  • Do not lift yourself higher than you can or by straining your back.
  • Exercising in water and massage therapy can also greatly help reduce back pain during pregnancy. Being in the water takes the weight off your back. If your back pain is severe, ask your doctor to refer you to a physiotherapist. A physical therapist can guide you and give you more exercises to reduce back pain.

What are the ways to treat back pain during pregnancy?

The best way to relieve back pain during pregnancy is to rest. Weight gain is the leading cause of back pressure during pregnancy, so resting and avoiding heavy work and weight lifting can reduce pain.

Performing exercises for back pain during pregnancy with stretching exercises strengthens the joints and muscles of the back and abdomen. Yoga and meditation bring mental peace to pregnant mothers and relieve them of stress and anxiety. Also, yoga can balance the blood pressure of pregnant women.

Correcting body movements while sitting can also reduce back pain during pregnancy. Pregnant women should stick their back and hips into the back of the chair while sitting and keep their shoulders back and relaxed.

What are the ways to prevent back pain during pregnancy?
What are the ways to prevent back pain during pregnancy?

Correcting your sleeping position can reduce back pain in the last month of pregnancy. Pregnant women should sleep on their side and the mattress should be a little firm so that the extra weight of the pregnancy does not put pressure on the spine.

Using a warm compress is helpful for back pain during pregnancy. You can do this method twice a day with a towel or hot water bottle, be careful not to put the hot water bottle on your stomach or lower abdomen. Your pregnancy doctor can provide more advice on treating and preventing back pain during pregnancy.

Back pain during pregnancy is a common and safe problem and just needs to be observed and taken care of. If you follow the principles below, your back pain will be relieved to some extent.
Wear proper shoes. A shoe that has no heel and does not put pressure on the spine when walking.
Do not carry heavy objects. If you must carry shopping bags, divide the weight of the bags equally between your hands.
When you pick up an object off the floor, first bend your knees and straighten your back, then pick up the object off the floor.
Lie on your side and slowly roll from side to side so as not to put pressure on your spine. You can even sit down and lie down again on the opposite side.
Getting enough rest and sleep is one of the most important things to maintain a pregnant woman’s health and prevent back pain during pregnancy.

Dose back pain during pregnancy requires an immediate visit to the doctor?

Back pain is normal in early pregnancy. Back pain in late pregnancy also disappears with rest, but if the following conditions occur, back pain in pregnancy is considered dangerous and requires an immediate visit to a pregnancy doctor.

  • Pain that does not improve with rest.
  • Pain that lasts more than 2 weeks.
  • Pains that occur at regular intervals.
  • Pain that spreads to the hips and legs may be caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve.
  • Numbness and tingling in the legs
  • Vaginal discharge and bleeding
  • Pain and burning when urinating
  • Fever

While back pain during pregnancy is very common and there is usually no reason to worry, you should pay attention to the type of back pain and see a doctor if symptoms become severe. There are also things you can do to make the pain more bearable.

Is back pain common during pregnancy?

Back pain is one of the most common problems in pregnancy, especially in the last few months. This pain usually disappears after birth, but in many women, it continues for months after birth.

Can hormones affect back pain?

Yes, pregnancy hormones loosen the ligaments in the hip joints to make them more flexible in preparation for the baby to pass through the birth canal. However, if the joints become too flexible, back pain can occur.

What is the difference between back pain during pregnancy and menstruation?

The main difference between menstrual back pain and pregnancy back pain is that back pain in early pregnancy is not as severe as back pain during menstruation and also occurs in the lower abdomen. Menstrual pain can start a few days before your period and decrease after the end of the period; However, back pain in early pregnancy can occur around the fourth week and continue for weeks or months during pregnancy.

What should I wear to support my back?

Buy and use tummy control clothes. These clothes are similar to a belt and help to remove the weight of the stomach from the back muscles. Also, some maternity pants have a wide drawstring that goes under the curve of your belly to support its weight of it.

How to support your back while sitting?

Sit on chairs with standard backs or put a small pillow behind your back. You can get this support from medical supplies.

Is it safe to use hot and cold compresses?

To do this, you can use a hot water bottle for back pain. There are also thermal pads that must be set at the lowest possible temperature to use them. Wrap your heating pad or hot water bottle in a towel to prevent burns. A cold compress can also help reduce.

Can exercise help with pregnancy back pain?

Yes, Sure. But you should be aware of the type of exercise so that you don’t end up harming yourself or the child.

Can I swim to reduce pregnancy back pain?

Yes, swimming is very useful for reducing back pain during pregnancy.

In the article “Prevention and Control of back pain caused by Pregnancy,” various studies and strategies for reducing back pain in pregnant women have been reviewed. These studies demonstrate that a combination of exercises, proper rest, dietary changes, proper body posture, and, if necessary, the use of pain-relieving medications are effective in reducing back pain in pregnant women.

Additionally, to prevent back pain during pregnancy, factors such as proper movement and lifting techniques for heavy objects, the use of appropriate footwear, and supportive belts are also important. Overall, preventing and controlling back pain in pregnant women is crucial due to its positive impact on their health and quality of life.

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Ella Adams

Ella Adams is a highly skilled content specialist and SEO manager. By delivering high-quality and up-to-date content, she provides the best possible experience for visitors of the Pregnancy website. Ella brings valuable insights through meticulous analysis and research in the areas of pregnancy, nutrition, suitable exercises, and other related topics. Additionally, as an SEO manager, she ensures improved website rankings on search engines through optimization strategies.

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