Pregnancy diseases

What Causes Belly Button Pain During Pregnancy?

Many pregnant women experience belly button pain in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The navel, or umbilicus, is where the placenta joins the uterus.

After birth, it is not attached to any part of the abdominal cavity. Most causes of belly button pain are harmless and disappear with the birth of the baby. This article in our journal discusses some of the possible causes of belly button pain, as well as home remedies to ease the discomfort.

Belly button pain in pregnancy

Belly button pain during pregnancy is a very common symptom and is mainly due to changes in the body that adapt to the growth of the baby.

The discomfort around the navel mostly occurs at the end of pregnancy for the following reasons, such as the increased belly size, the movements of the baby, and the lack of space in the woman’s body, but it can also be felt at the beginning of pregnancy.

You may feel pain in your navel and in the area around your abdomen, and you may notice some swelling. The pain is usually not constant and is triggered by touching the area or doing some physical activity, such as bending over or picking something up.

If navel pain is felt in late pregnancy, extends to the entire abdomen, and is accompanied by uterine contractions, the pain may also be a sign of labor.

Related posts: What Causes Uterus Pain in Early Pregnancy?

What is the cause of belly button pain in pregnancy?

Possible causes of belly button pain during pregnancy include:

  •  Uterine pressure

Belly pain is a common experience in late pregnancy. As the fetus grows, the uterus expands beyond its normal position to accommodate it. This movement puts pressure on the abdomen, including the navel. During the second trimester, the uterus no longer fits inside the pelvis. It is now located between the belly button and the chest.

In the third trimester, the uterus extends from the pubic area to the base of the ribs. The growth of the uterus, as well as the position of the baby in the uterus, can put pressure on the navel. Over time, increased pressure on your belly button can cause pain, itching, and discomfort.

  •  Attraction

Weight gain and movement of organs during pregnancy cause stretching of the skin and muscles around the abdomen. Stretching can sometimes cause diastasis recti, which occurs when the rectus abdominis, or abdominal muscles, split into left and right halves.

Abdominal muscles are a pair of large muscles that start from under the breastbone and end at the pelvis. Stretching of the skin may also cause some local pain and itching in and around the abdomen.

  • Opened navel

Some pregnant women develop a torn umbilical cord, which occurs when the pregnant pushes into the woman’s belly button. Opening the belly button can increase tenderness and pain.

  • Umbilical hernia

While a hernia may seem dangerous, it usually does not harm the pregnant woman or the fetus. An umbilical hernia occurs when pressure pushes the intestine into the umbilical cavity. Then it can get stuck there and become inflamed and painful.

An umbilical hernia can occur due to increased uterine pressure. Doctors may recommend watching and waiting rather than operating on a hernia unless it is causing significant symptoms. However, if there is a risk of entrapment and suffocation, your doctor may perform surgery. Strangulation occurs when part of the intestine does not get enough blood.

The reduced blood supply can cause tissue death and other complications. Surgery carries some risks to the pregnant woman and the fetus, but the risk is relatively low.

  • Navel piercing

A woman may need to have her belly piercings removed while pregnant. If the piercing pulls on hardened skin, it is likely to tear. Tearing or wounding the umbilical cord increases the risk of infection. If the piercing is less than 1 year old, it may still be healing, so a woman should consult a gynecologist about its removal.

Home remedies for belly button pain during pregnancy

  • Aloe vera lotion can help soothe irritated skin.
  •  Applying a hot or cold compress to the itchy or painful area can ease the discomfort. Avoid very hot packs or ice packs that are not wrapped in a towel, as they can cause burns and increase belly button sensitivity.
  •  Using calamine lotion or aloe vera gel can also soothe sensitive skin in and around your belly button.
  •  If the pain is not caused by an umbilical hernia, a pregnancy massage can also help relieve the pain. A systematic review from a reputable source found that massage, including massage from a partner, provided moderate relief from low back and pelvic pain.

Home remedies for belly button pain during pregnancy
Home remedies for belly button pain during pregnancy

If your pain doesn’t get better with these home remedies, be sure to see a gynecologist.

When should you see a doctor?

If your skin is inflamed, red, or cracked, or if the pain is severe or sharp, it’s best to see a doctor. Most causes of belly button pain during pregnancy do not lead to permanent complications. So you do not have to worry about that. If belly button pain persists or gets worse over time, you should report it to your OB-GYN to see if something else is causing the symptom.

How to relieve belly button pain?

To relieve belly button pain caused by physical changes associated with pregnancy, you can try the following tips:

  •  Sleeping on your stomach or side
  •  Using a belly band to support the belly band and reduce skin tension
  • Doing activities in the water to reduce weight gain in your abdomen or back
  • Wear comfortable, light cotton clothing.
  • Use a moisturizing cream or cocoa butter on the skin in and around your belly button.

Frequently asked questions

Is belly button pain dangerous during pregnancy?

No, this complication happens to all women and occurs for a variety of reasons that will disappear after the end of the pregnancy and the birth of the fetus. But you should not think that you should not go to specialists for treatment and pain relief. Rather, it should be monitored and discussed with the relevant experts until the root cause is found and proper treatment is provided.

How can I relieve belly button pain during pregnancy?

To relieve belly button pain caused by physical changes associated with pregnancy, you can try the following tips:

  •  Sleeping on your stomach or side
  • Using a belly band to support the belly band and reduce skin tension
  • Doing activities in the water to reduce weight gain in your abdomen or back
  • Wear comfortable, light cotton clothing.
  • Use a moisturizing cream or cocoa butter on the skin in and around your belly button.

What is the home remedy for belly button pain?

Home remedies for belly button pain during pregnancy include :

  • Aloe vera lotion can help soothe irritated skin.
  •  Applying a hot or cold compress to the itchy or painful area can ease the discomfort. Avoid very hot packs or ice packs that are not wrapped in a towel, as they can cause burns and increase belly button sensitivity.
  •  Using calamine lotion or aloe vera gel can also soothe sensitive skin in and around your belly button.
  • If the pain is not caused by an umbilical hernia, a pregnancy massage can also help relieve the pain. A systematic review from a reputable source found that massage, including massage from a partner, provided moderate relief from low back and pelvic pain.

What should we do if the pain in the navel during pregnancy continues?

In the situation where you have performed all the techniques to improve navel pain but you have not observed any result in reduction and improvement of navel pain and you have seen redness in the navel area, consult the relevant specialists of the clinic as soon as possible. possible. Because these symptoms can be caused by dangerous conditions. In this situation, you should carefully check what dangerous factor has caused you this problem.

How long does belly button pain last during pregnancy?

This process continues until the end of pregnancy when the fetus is removed from the uterus. As a result, you can expect your pain will disappear.

How do I stop belly button pain?

Try putting a heating pad or hot towel on your abdomen. The heat can help relax the muscles and relieve cramping. Taking a hot shower or bath with Epsom salt can help.

Why is my belly button painful during pregnancy?

The growth of your uterus, as well as the baby’s position in the womb, can exert pressure on the belly button. Over time, the increased pressure on the navel can cause pain, itchiness, and discomfort.

Final word

In this article, we have introduced the most important techniques that you can use to reduce belly button pain in pregnancy. If you still have any questions or concerns about it, you can share them with us in the comment section. Elsewhere on this website, we provide you with much of the most important information you need during pregnancy.

Pregnant women do not only face the problem of pain in the navel. Therefore, we have tried to discuss the most important issues related to pregnancy in the form of separate articles. Consequently, you can increase your information by referring to other pages of this website.

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Ella Adams

Ella Adams is a highly skilled content specialist and SEO manager. By delivering high-quality and up-to-date content, she provides the best possible experience for visitors of the Pregnancy website. Ella brings valuable insights through meticulous analysis and research in the areas of pregnancy, nutrition, suitable exercises, and other related topics. Additionally, as an SEO manager, she ensures improved website rankings on search engines through optimization strategies.

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